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Lori L. Jacobwith

Founder, Ignited Fundraising

Headshot of a smiling person of light skin tone and short white hair, with dark framed glasses and wearing a dark purple dress, leaning on a chair with the one hand up to their chin.
Photo Credit: Lori L. Jacobwith


Lori L. Jacobwith (Founder, Ignited Fundraising) is a nationally-recognized fundraising culture change expert and master storyteller, named one of America’s Top 25 Fundraising Experts. She has delivered more than 10,000 coaching and training sessions that have helped nonprofit organizations raise more than $400 million from individual donors. Lori’s proven strategies & tools teach staff and board members to share powerful stories that cause donors to give more. Lori holds a BA in Political Science and Speech Communications from the University of Minnesota, has additional training from Indiana University’s Fund Raising School and is a longtime member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.