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Fiscal Year: 2024

  • SPACE Gallery with Mechanics Hall

    SPACE and Mechanic's Hall will host interdisciplinary programming, reading groups, and workshops around Ilya Kaminsky's book of poems Deaf Republic, in conjunction with a variety of community partners. This series...

  • McMahon Auditorium Authority

    After the positive response and public reception of our 2022 and 2023 NEA Big Read: Lawton events, we are excited to unite the community again through the reading of one...

  • Chattahoochee Valley Libraries

    The Chattahoochee Valley Libraries join forces with other organizations and our community to celebrate and examine WHERE WE LIVE as this year’s NEA BIG READ celebration. Using Atlanta author Tayari...

  • Evanston Public Library

    The Evanston Public Library will celebrate “A Year of Joy and Gratitude” by exploring the themes in Ross Gay’s Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude. In addition to poetry workshops and reading,...

  • Bristol Public Library

    The Bristol Public Library, Washington County Public Library, and Birthplace of Country Music Museum have come together to host community events focused on Ron Rash's Burning Bright. Through these programs,...

  • Rutgers-Camden Center for the Arts

    RCCA brings together campus and public audiences for engagement with The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, a novel that resonates with the RCCA community and mission. Activities for...

  • Spruce Peak Arts

    Through The Great Gatsby, we will explore the concept of the American Dream and how the influences of the 1920’s—including jazz music—still impact our lives today. In today’s world of...

  • Eastern Connecticut State University

    Eastern Connecticut State University will partner with public libraries, local schools, and regional environmental nonprofits to engage families, school-aged and university students. Innovative programming will connect regional community members with...

  • Lorain Public Library System

    The Lorain Public Library System will partner with the Lorain Historical Society, Oberlin Public Library, Oberlin Heritage Center, Community Foundation of Lorain County, local schools, civic organizations, and businesses to...

  • Miami Public Library

    NEA Big Read in Ottawa County will revolve around John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath.” Through book discussions, tribal renditions of the era, and play performance, community members will have...