
ShegoBand, an energetic and versatile ensemble led by Shego Said, is rooted in the traditional sounds and rhythms of Somali culture. However, the ensemble is equally comfortable with the more contemporary Somali sound they have worked to create in the last ten years. ShegoBand was joined on tour by two outstanding traditional artists, Hibo Nuur and Kooshin. Hibo Nuur’s legendary voice drew thousands to concerts from Mogadishu to Toronto until civil tumult in Somalia forced her to relocate to the United States, where she now lives. According to a story about Nuur, she is still called the “James Brown of Somali music.” Kooshin is renowned for his skill with the oud, a primary instrument in Somali traditional music. The combination of Kooshin’s skill on the oud, Hibo Nuur’s phenomenal voice, and ShegoBand’s versatility result in an outstanding taste of Somali music and culture. ShegoBand toured with Arts Midwest World Fest in 2005 and 2006 only.