BA will produce and present a documentary film that follows Dianna Tyler’s (Black LGBTQ+ poet, spoken word artist, and activist) transformation into Goddess Warrior The Poet: a journey that began with her personal battles with trauma and is now marked by her fight for the liberation of others living through their own trauma. BA will partner with Chicago-based Black LGBTQ+ artist Joshua X. Miller on this film. This project will involve 2 core activities: 1) a public screening of this film and 2) an audience talk-back session with the filmmakers/subject of the film following the screening. While these activities will be open to the public, our focus is on engaging historically underrepresented and marginalized people; specifically, Black LGBTQ+ people.
Black Alphabet
Chicago, IL
GIG Fund
Award Details
Grant or Award Received
$4,000Grant Amount
2024Fiscal Year of Award
About the Organization
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