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Iowa Arts Summit

Thank you for attending Unlocking Arts Funding: Navigating Regional and National Grant Opportunities!

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An adult and four youth painting in a mural of five people in front of a mountain.

Download the Slide Deck

“Unlocking Arts Funding: Navigating Regional and National Grant Opportunities” presented on June 18, 2024

Download the Deck (PDF)

Links to Helpful Resources

Explore Arts Midwest Grants

We support efforts that connect people, ideas, and solutions through creativity. That includes our grantmaking initiatives, our community programming, and our awards celebrating Midwestern creativity.

Get Support

Douglas Brooks leading a Japanese boat launching ceremony.
Photo Credit: Fred Zwicky

Pitch Us A Story

We accept story pitches any time of the year, and commission them on a rolling basis. We also post open calls for specific stories and themes every quarter.

Submit A Pitch

People sitting at long tables listening to speakers.
Photo Credit: Mia McGill

Recent Stories from Iowa

Have Additional Questions?

Feel free to reach out to Alana Horton, Arts Midwest’s Communications Officer!

Contact Alana