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Program/Grant: Shakespeare in American Communities: Juvenile Justice

  • Youth Arts: Unlocked

    “Shakesprov” is a series of weekly educational workshops held in a short-term juvenile detention center in Flint, MI. Led by 2 experienced teaching artists, “Shakesprov” explores themes and illuminates Shakespeare’s texts in a modern context through improvisation, theatre exercises, and storytelling. Youth learn acting skills, gain confidence, and develop an appreciation for theatre and the arts.

  • Southwest Shakespeare Company

    Supporting theatre and Shakespeare instruction including performances by (and for) juveniles. Southwest Shakespeare is partnering with "Rite of Passage," (ROP), a nationwide non-governmental organization (NGO) with four facilities across Arizona.

  • ¡Oye! Group

    Shake on the Block at Brentwood Residential Center provides Shakespeare workshops to teenagers (13-17) who have been placed into the U.S. prison system. Students adapt original Shakespeare text into a performance featuring a blend of street slang and modern English. Guest artists provide workshops on their field of expertise to help students craft their unique vision.

  • Texas Shakespeare Festival

    TSF’s HOPE Academy Partnership brings a fall and spring 10-week Devised Theatre programs to residents at the Smith County Juvenile Detention Center with Shakespeare's text as the starting point. Residents participate in two sessions each week, led by a full-time TSF staff member and company members from the TSF Roadshow’s Educational Touring program.

  • Junior Players

    In “Shakespeare with Henry within the Prison Pipeline,” incarcerated youth learn and perform excerpts from Shakespeare's work Macbeth alongside Junior Players teaching artists, with a final production and post-program internships. The goal is to connect participants with universal themes in Shakespeare’s works, linking past experiences, present situations, and future possibilities.

  • Gateway Regional Arts Center

    "Shakespeare: In Appalachia & Beyond" will engage youth with status offenses housed at Gateway Children's Services, a residential court-appointed treatment and foster care center, in the works of the Bard in both local and global contexts. Through weekly classes tying his work to modern rural Appalachian dialects & scenarios, the program will culminate in a performance at Shakespeare in the Park.

  • A group of nine people dynamically pose on a stage

    Drama Club

    Drama Club will bring Shakespeare's text to life in ELA classes in 2 District 79 schools for adjudicated youth in NYC. Students will explore the language and themes of Hamlet, Macbeth, The Tempest, or Julius Caesar through improvisation as they build a culminating performance demonstrating their grasp of the material and its relevance to their lives.

  • Marin Shakespeare Company

    This project is the continuation of our Shakespeare program at Alameda Juvenile Hall. We use Drama Therapy-inspired theatre exercises, and work with youth to study and perform Shakespeare monologues and...

  • Youth Arts Unlocked

    Shakesprov is a series of weekly workshops in which Shakespeare's plays serve as catalysts from which detained youth in Flint MI explore universal themes through theatre exercises, Improv, and storytelling....

  • Tennessee Shakespeare Company

    TSC will provide 80 program sessions for incarcerated youth ages 13-17 held at Memphis Jail East and Shelby County Juvenile Detention Center. In two, 90-minute sessions per week per facility,...