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State: MI

  • Youth Arts: Unlocked

    “Shakesprov” is a series of weekly educational workshops held in a short-term juvenile detention center in Flint, MI. Led by 2 experienced teaching artists, “Shakesprov” explores themes and illuminates Shakespeare’s...

  • Detroit Metro Times Logo

    Detroit Metro Times

    Detroit Metro Times plans to enhance their social media presence by producing and publishing high-quality videos to run alongside their “Artist of the Week” series and arts cover stories. These...

  • People For Palmer Park

    People for Palmer Park presents free community events to foster healthy, thriving, inclusive, accessible and equitable opportunities. Its 10th Palmer Park Art Fair showcases some 100 artists, music, authors and...

  • Polynesian Arts Advocacy Council Of Michigan

    For our AAPI Month Spring Workshop, we will be bringing in master instructors in various styles of Polynesian dance, language, and music. Over the course of the weekend we will...

  • An aerial shot of Eliza Howell Park featuring a stickwork by Patrick Dougherty.

    Sidewalk Detroit

    The inaugural Eco Artist Residency will seamlessly merge art and environmental education, spotlighting the Rouge River significance and advocating for community stewardship, drawing statewide attention to the park's vital role...

  • The Allegan Chapter of the K'zoo Folklife Organization

    We offer 4 free, 2 hour concerts throughout the winter. The name of our project is The Midwest/Folklife Gig Series. We bring in bands that offer cultural experiences through music,...

  • Mackinac Arts Council

    This grant seeks support for a single concert or as part of a series of four both with cultural focus and educational components. We aim to host The Ark Band...

  • Merze Tate Explorers

    Shonda Buchanan will share her story of growing up as an African American in search of her Native American roots through her book, Black Indian. In addition to a poetry...

  • MSO

    Jay Julio is an accomplished 25-year-old first-generation Filipino-American, a multi-instrumentalist, teacher, and composer-arranger based in NYC, a graduate of the Manhattan School of Music, The Juilliard School, and orchestra fellow...

  • Hessel School House - Avery Arts & Nature Learning Center

    The lack of high quality educational opportunities for writers in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is a challenge for aspiring and established writers alike. The 2024 Writer’s Symposium would address this issue...