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State: OH

  • CityMusic Cleveland

    Our project consists of a one-week educational residency with public elementary school in Cleveland Metropolitan School District and an interactive recital for the general public. Chabrelle teach students in grades...

  • Contemporary Arts Center

    Social Therapy: Broken Mirror Project is an interactive performance by spoken word artist Desirae "The Silent Poet" Hosley. Presented at the CAC's Zaha Hadid-designed museum building in downtown Cincinnati, Hosley...

  • Federal Valley Resource Center

    Foothills is a cultural arts project that gives local youth (and participants of all ages) the opportunity to learn heritage crafts of beadworking, woodworking, tatting, quilting, and music. The GIG...

  • Shawnee State University

    The VRCFA intends to present one evening performance of I HAVE A DREAM on February 2, 2023. Then we'll present one matinee on February 3, 2023.

  • Middletown Fine Arts Center

    The Middletown Arts Center plans to feature the work of nationally, and internationally, published illustrator, C.F. Payne in our main exhibit hall March 3 through April 6, 2023. We have...

  • Refresh Collective

    Refresh Collective will host two artists-in-residence for 20 weeks in 2023, offering them stipends to instruct local teens AND record solo projects for their own portfolios. Refresh Collective will offer...

  • Cincinnati Song Initiative

    Cincinnati Song Initiative (CSI) will present a concert and corresponding masterclass featuring art song from LYNX's Amplify Series, with presenters and artists from LYNX and from the autism community in...

  • WordPlay Cincy

    WordPlay Cincy welcomes award-winning author Hanif Abdurraqib to lead two writing workshops in March 2023 at Aiken High School and WordPlay Cincy in Cincinnati, Ohio. Workshops will engage multi-generational, diverse...

  • Columbus Music Commission

    This project will be a collaboration between the Columbus Music Commission and WAV (We Amplify Voices). It will be a one-day event focused on celebrating Columbus musicians and sharing the...

  • Healing Broken Circles, Inc.

    The Back Wall performance series features artists who have returned to the community following incarceration, as well as artists from communities most impacted by incarceration, such as spoken word and...