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Author: Alana

  • Two older people in straw hats sing into microphones on a sunny day outdoors at a recycling plant

    Madeline Island Moves Toward Zero Waste

    January 10, 2024

    How residents on a remote Wisconsin island turn trash to treasure.

  • A woman dances on stage surrounded by two Ghanaian musicans.

    Ghanaian Music Moves Rural Michigan

    August 16, 2023

    Okaidja Afroso's week-long World Fest residency brought music into schools, stores, and a Main Street theater, spreading connection and curiosity in small town Albion.

  • Students of several ages participate in a dance class with smiles on their faces.

    Transforming Lives Through Art in Northwest Indiana

    June 7, 2023

    For the Love of the Arts uses creativity to help break the cycle of violence. Through their mental wellness education, social skills practice, and artistic courses, this unique organization provides a safe space for young people to grow and thrive.

  • A man holding a bunch of white balloons stands against a background of graffiti and a paper that says eye contact and has tally marks.

    Micro Moments of Magic is Counting Connections in Ann Arbor

    June 1, 2023

    In an alleyway in the heart of downtown Ann Arbor, Micro Moments of Magic is spreading joy, one tally mark at a time.

  • A student uses a lightbox to transfer a design onto a screen printing screen.

    Art as a Catalyst: Indigenous Expressions in North Dakota

    May 31, 2023

    The Sacred Pipe Resource Center, a Native community center in Mandan, North Dakota, empowers Native artists to become catalysts for change to help heal their communities.

  • A group of teens in skull make up sit at a table

    A Light for the Latino Community in Iowa 

    May 22, 2023

    Built on community, La Luz Centro Cultural provides a unique space for Latinos in rural Hampton, Iowa.
    Basado en la comunidad, La Luz Centro Cultural entrega un espacio único para los latinos en Hampton rural, Iowa.

  • A band performs for a school of elementary students with their backs facing the camera, arms waving in the air.

    The Black Hills Are Alive With Finnish Music

    May 4, 2023

    Finnish music sensation Okra Playground brought its captivating and charming sound to South Dakota, connecting cultures through music.

  • Joy Harjo is welcomed into Shinnecock Indian Nation by the indigenous community. In this outdoors meeting Joy and the community share stories about the earth and the importance of living with nature.

    Long Islanders Explore Identity and Connection Through NEA Big Read

    August 29, 2022

    Using Joy Harjo’s poetry collection An American Sunrise as a starting point, Long Island community members dove into activities exploring Indigenous culture, oppression, race, colonization, and displacement. From readings performed by inmates at the Suffolk County Jail, to having author Joy Harjo visit Shinnecock Nation’s sovereign land, here’s how the NEA Big Read Long Island was able to create civic conversations by bringing poetry into the heart of community.

  • Pictoria Vark performing on the Bravo Stage with her band.

    80/35 Powers Des Moines Music

    July 28, 2022

    What do Japanese Breakfast, a breakdancing crew, and a Des Moines-themed board game have in common? You could’ve found them all at this year’s 80/35 Music Festival.

  • Jean-Pierre Mot talks about his work Pop-Up Remnants at the 4Ground Land Art Biennial Launch Party on June 4, 2022.

    4Ground Festival Connects People, Land, and Histories

    June 13, 2022

    With the inaugural 4Ground Midwest Land Art Biennial, Franconia Sculpture Park is reaching its arms beyond its own grounds for a multi-state, multi-organization festival that focuses on community, land stewardship, sustainability, and preservation.