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Amy “Frankie” Felegy

Culture Reporter

Pronouns: she/her


[email protected]

Headshot of a smiling person with light skin tone and dark brown hair, wearing an orange jacket.
Photo Credit: Amy Felegy

Culture reporter Amy Felegy (she/her) started working at Arts Midwest in Oct. 2024. Before that, she worked as a digital producer and reporter for Minnesota Public Radio News, and carries an extensive background in print and multimedia journalism.

At Arts Midwest, Amy (or Frankie, her nickname) keeps stories flowing at the Creativity News Desk by connecting with artists and culture bearers in the Midwest and Native Nations within those nine states. She collaborates with the communications team to not only report on these stories but also to photograph, create short-form videos, and assist with social media.

Amy draws on her expertise from living, reporting, and existing as an artist across Minnesota and North Dakota, both in rural and urban settings. She has creatively served her communities as a videographer, interim editor, and published poet and photographer. She was also selected to participate in a Socially Conscious and Inclusive Filmmaking Lab in 2020.

A little more about Amy:

Her favorite thing Arts Midwest does is maintaining focus on the radiance of where we live, the creatives who make it better every day, and the power of art – and why we can’t live without it.

Amy’s favorite Midwestern artists are her creative writing students … and Chance the Rapper. She is creatively energized by moonlight, films, and typewriters.

When Amy isn’t working, she can be found making music, writing, and attempting to surf the magical Great Lakes.

You can connect with her on LinkedIn.