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Resource Topic: Fundraising

  • Hands holding a pile of coins and a sprout

    7 Tips to Level Up Your Grant Writing Game

    Easy ways to improve your skills at grant writing–and increase the likelihood that your proposal will be accepted!

  • A group of high school students hold script papers in a black box theater.

    Best Practices for Federal Grant Applications

    Federal funding for the arts is available but not always the most accessible, especially if you've never applied for opportunities in the past. This article provides a basic eligibility roadmap for non-profit organizations that are new to seeking federal funding.

  • Jean-Pierre Mot talks about his work Pop-Up Remnants at the 4Ground Land Art Biennial Launch Party on June 4, 2022.

    Connecting What and Why

    Changing how you think about your organization will help you change how you talk about it. Focusing on why you do what you do is the key. This article will help you make sure that what you do and how you do it aligns with your overall why.

  • A person uses a marker to add words to poster paper that includes: "Background of participants socioeconomic status," "Advancing inclusion, staff feedback, parent outreach/parent say in programming," and "Advancing Equity."

    Finding Your Hedgehog

    The most powerful place to invest your energy is your Hedgehog: the intersection of the work your organization does better than anyone, is most passionate about, and drives support through revenue. This article helps you find your hedgehog.

  • Two people wearing sunhats pose in front of a colorful mural on a brick wall. The mural depicts a young person sitting on a roof, holding a telescope up to a starry sky, with the moon big behind them and planets off in the distance.

    Competitive Advantage: Knowing Your Value & Setting Yourself Apart

    The things that make your nonprofit special are assets you can leverage to build community and monetary support. This article helps you identify the qualities that make your organization different and make them work to your advantage.

  • People wave their hands and clap in celebration at Hinterlands Take Out Take Down.

    Storytelling as a Fundraising Tool

    Using storytelling in your fundraising is the single most powerful way to connect people to your mission and raise more money. Follow this framework for finding, crafting, and sharing a story that will give supporters a feeling of empathy.

  • Students use hammers and chisels to carve dovetails keys into the base of the boat as Douglas Brooks' traditional Japanese wooden boatbuilding apprentices.

    Fundraising 101: Fundraising from Scratch

    Assertiveness is important for fundraising, but it doesn't come naturally to many development and advancement professionals. This article outlines a way to create an effective ask that generates donations or support for your nonprofit.