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Resource Topic: Operations

  • People in folding chairs sit on the grass, facing a person playing guitar and singing into a microphone.

    Assessing Your Operational Capacity

    Understanding your operational capacity helps you develop a more balanced, healthy organization and increase your ability to make an external impact. Use this template to identify trends and areas of organizational strength and opportunity.

  • A lion puppet greets children at a Chinese New Year Celebration.

    Building a Healthy Arts Organization

    This framework for considering internal and external goals, bound by strategic focus, is a model for healthy nonprofits. Balance investments in mission, infrastructure, culture, and relationships to build a sustainably strong organization.

  • A plant sprouting from a pile of pennies and various coins

    What Drives Your Revenue?

    Developing strategies to handle your organization's mix of revenue sources will enable you to hone your capacities in a way that strengthens your resource engine. This tool offers insight into the realities and challenges of revenue mix.