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Program/Grant: GIG Fund

  • Crossing Arts Alliance

    Crossing Arts will invite a BIPOC artist from outside our service area to visit for an extended time (2-5 days, as long as necessary), exhibit in our gallery, teach in...

  • Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant Society

    This is a radio play that will be performed live in front of a local rural audience in addition to a real time streaming of the performance on Facebook. The...

  • Legacy Arts

    Legacy Arts will present two events entitled, Legacy Sounds LIVE, live streamed concert featuring performances from local and regional artists, from the Legacy Sounds Recording Studio. At both events, hosts...

  • Li Chiao Ping Dance

    DIRTY LAUNDRY explores the events preceding the Stop Asian Hate Movement. It highlights the untold stories of Asian immigrant experiences & their "dirty laundry": inherited/embodied trauma & institutionalized violence/discrimination. For...

  • Lotus

    Lotus is seeking support for its 29th Lotus Blossoms Educational Outreach Program. In a typical year, Blossoms invites 4-6 gifted performing artists from across the globe for 3-5 days to...

  • Lubeznik Center for the Arts

    Lubeznik Center will provide two 4 hour workshops on-site. The Chicago Act Collective will lead a hands-on workshop, facilitating both writing and visual arts segments. The artists leading the workshop...

  • LunART Festival

    The Composers Hub Professional Development program is an annual week-long intensive designed to provide extraordinary experiences to women composers in their growing careers. Six composers are selected to participate in...

  • Mackinac Arts Council

    This grant seeks support for a single concert or as part of a series of four both with cultural focus and educational components. We aim to host The Ark Band...

  • McConnell Arts Center

    The McConnell Arts Center will feature local artist April Sunami in the exhibition "I Am Because You Are" January 11–March 13, 2024. Sunami’s mixed-media artwork features women of color as...

  • Merze Tate Explorers

    Shonda Buchanan will share her story of growing up as an African American in search of her Native American roots through her book, Black Indian. In addition to a poetry...