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Arts Midwest Reports a 1046% Return on Member States' Investments

MINNEAPOLIS – Today, Arts Midwest announced the results of our FY21 activities with our nine partner states in the Midwest region. Each year, Arts Midwest strategically leverages state investments to provide a positive return — delivering grants, services, professional development activities, and artistic programming to communities across the region.

An illustration titled "FY21: July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021." It shows the nine state region of ND, SD, MN, IA, WI, IL, IN, MI, and OH in green. Each state has a dollar amount associated with it to show Arts Midwest fiscal year 22 investment amounts to each state.
Photo Credit: Arts Midwest
FY21 ROI Reports Header. Arts Midwest Member States with Fiscal Year 22 investment amounts attributed to each state.

This year, our nine partners invested $364,345 in Arts Midwest, which we turned into more than $4,173,647 in programs and services for an overall return on investment of 1046%. The reports below detail Arts Midwest’s partnership with each state in fiscal year 2021.

StateArts Midwest InvestmentState DuesROIReport
Illinois$493,468$66,200645%Download the PDF
Indiana$333,150$38,825758%Download the PDF
Iowa$384,402$25,0001438%Download the PDF
Michigan$422,350$70,000503%Download the PDF
Minnesota$722,637$34,6201987%Download the PDF
North Dakota$403,658$14,9122607%Download the PDF
Ohio$566,415$62,242810%Download the PDF
South Dakota$430,148$16,1982556%Download the PDF
Wisconsin$417,419$36,3481048%Download the PDF

Learn more about Arts Midwest’s 35+ year history working with our region’s State Arts Agencies.